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The Myanmar Business Environment Report is out! See which cities are more suitable for investment?

Enlarged font  Narrow font Release date:2020-12-19  Browse number:291
Note: On December 11, the Asia Foundation released the Myanmar Business Environment Index-MBEI 2020 report.

The Asia Foundation released the Myanmar Business Environment Index 2020, which shows that the capital of Myanmar, Naypyidaw, Sagaing, Bago and Yangon provinces have been rated as the best business environments.

On December 11, the Asia Foundation released the Myanmar Business Environment Index-MBEI 2020 report. In Myanmar's business environment assessment report, the capital Naypyidaw, Sagaing, Bago and Yangon provinces were awarded the best business environment list.

It is reported that the survey budget for the Myanmar MBEI2020 Business Environment Index Report is provided by the United Kingdom, and the survey plan is completed through DaNa Facility. When assessing the business environment in Myanmar, the foundation carried out assessment work in accordance with 10 major selection indicators, including government policy transparency, domestic labor resource placement, and land resource use rights.

It is reported that 153 indicators are subdivided into 10 selection indicators, including starting a business, registering, and then cross-border trade, power supply/outage frequency, etc. Compared with the 2018 Myanmar Doing Business Index report, the 2020 Myanmar Doing Business Index clearly pointed out that the investment rules and regulations in the private investment field are more convenient.

After Myanmar received feedback from foreign investors, it has simplified the cumbersome rules and regulations. In order to improve the convenience of doing business in Myanmar, the Myanmar authorities are committed to promoting investment, enhancing industrial competitiveness, and solving the investment difficulties faced by foreign investors in Myanmar. At present, MIPP Investment Promotion Committee, with the help of JICA Japan Cooperation Agency, is improving the business environment in Myanmar.
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