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その思いを込めて、当社は「THE KAITEKI COMPANY」というコーポレートブランドを掲げました。これは、人と社会と地球の心地よさが、ずっと続いていく「KAITEKI実現」に率先して取り組む私たちの強い意志を表したものです。

当社は、中期経営計画「APTSIS 20」において、2020年のあるべき姿を「収益性の向上、イノベーションの追求、サステナビリティへの貢献を通じて、真にグローバルな『THE KAITEKI COMPANY』としての基盤を確立すること」と見定め、高成長・高収益型の企業グループをめざすことを基本方針としています。


引き続き温かいご支援とご鞭撻を賜りますよう心よりお願い申し上げます。Our society today is at a critical turning point where we face major challenges such as excessive dependency on fossil resources, climate change, uneven distribution of food and water, a greying population, and spreading infection. Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings (MCHC) Group boldly challenges to find solutions to these global issues with our advantages in technical strength, and to create value that will improve the quality of people’s lives.

MCHC Group conducts its corporate activities and businesses world-wide in the domains of Performance Products, Industrial Materials, and Health Care based on the three decision-making criteria of "Sustainability", "Health", and "Comfort". We will create sustainable corporate value and be a trusted company to our stakeholders by contributing to the sustainable development of people, society, and the Earth. In doing so, we undertake thorough safety management, which is the matter of highest priority for a manufacturing industry, and keep compliance as an absolute requirement.

MCHC Group upholds our corporate brand of “THE KAITEKI COMPANY” with our determination to take the initiative to realize KAITEKI.

In the medium-term management plan “APTSIS 20,” we have identified the ideal shape of the MCHC Group in 2020 as follows: MCHC will establish the foundation to become THE KAITEKI COMPANY being recognized on a truly global level by increasing profitability, pursuing innovation, and contributing to sustainability. As a basic policy, we are aiming to be a high growth and high profit-model corporate group.

To achieve this goal, we will steadily execute measures for “growth, efficiency and strengthening foundations.” Based on strategies geared toward accelerated growth and improved profitability, in light of our focus markets, we will promote the enhancement of cost competitiveness by restructuring the business portfolio and improving our productivity while establishing an organization that can fully leverage its management resources. In addition, we are now striving to further promote health management as an important issue to reinvigorate the organization where all employees work actively.

As to remain a corporate group trusted by our stakeholders, our group will stand united and challenge aggressively, while taking action to maximize the corporate value and to realize the concept of KAITEKI. We will devote every effort to achieving that, therefore we ask for the continued support of our stakeholders.

Company Profile
Company Name: 株式会社三菱ケミカルホールディングス Company Type: Company ()
Area: Japan日本 Company Size:
Registered Capital: N/A Registered Year: 2005
Security deposit: Already paid 0.00 Dollars
Business Scope: 三菱ケミカルホールディングスグループは、ケミストリー(化学)を基盤に、機能商品・素材・ヘルスケアの3分野で、人・社会・地球の持続的発展に貢献する製品・サービスをグローバルに提供している企業集団です。グループの総合力をさらに強化し、KAITEKI実現をめざします。
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