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DELTA - T.E.C. Co Belgrade, Serbia,founded in 1992

The company`s staff have profesional experience an are capable to fulfil requests of a buyer regarding all the issues from the firm actvities, mentioned by this presentation.
It is also our great pleasure to, with our capabilities and together with the buyer find the most favorable solution for each specific request, both technically and technologically, with optimal investment expenses.

The aim of our activities is fast and safe service for the purpose of development of the planned long term cooperation and mutual confidence in business relations with the buyer.

The buyer of the equipment is specially ensured through DELTA -T.E.C. by a quality and safe support for the delivered goods in the warranty and non-warranty period for industrial equipment of the petrochemical, construction industry, electric power energy and ecology.
DELTA T.E.C. Co Beograd, Srbija, osnovano je 1992. godine

Osoblje firme je sa iskustvom, sposobno da odgovori zahtevima kupca, po svim pitanjima iz podruèja aktivnosti firme, navedenih ovom prezentacijom. Takoðe nam je veliko zadovoljstvo, da svojim moguænostima, zajedno sa kupcem, pronaðemo najpovoljnije rešenje za svaki specifièan zahtev, tehnièki i tehnološki, sa optimalnim troškovima investicija.

Cilj naših aktivnosti je, brza i sigurna usluga, u cilju unapreðenja planirane, dugogodišnje saradnje i obostranog poverenja u poslovnim odnosima sa kupcem.

Kupac industriske opreme i delova preko DELTA T.E.C.- a je posebno obezbeðen, kvalitetnom i sigurnom podrškom za isporuèenu robu, u garantnom i van garantnom roku.
ДЕЛТА ТЕЦ Србија Пластична гума Индустрија Машине Амбалажа Амбалажа Паковање Моулд Моулд Моулдинг Ињекција Ассциоатион Цхамбер оф Цоммерце Одбор Друштва Листа предузећа
Company Profile
Company Name: DELTA TEC Company Type: Company ()
Area: Serbia Company Size:
Registered Capital: N/A Registered Year:
Security deposit: Already paid 0.00 Dollars
Business Scope: Građevinske mašine i alati
Sell Goods: Građevinske mašine i alati
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